Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition to the mankind. While, it is largely known by
the people all over about yoga, their basic understanding is mostly limited to physical postures,
known as Asanas. But does yoga limit to physical poses?
What is Yoga?
In Bhagawad Gita – Lord Krishna defines Yoga as – “समत्वं योग उच्यते”-
meaning – Yoga is equanimity of mind.
Lord Krishna gives another definition of yoga as – “योग: कममसुकौशलम्” –
meaning – Yoga is excellence at work.
In Ashtanga Yoga – Maharshi Patanjali defines Yoga as – “योग: चित्त, वृचत्त, चिरोधः” –
meaning – Yoga is complete stoppage (nirodha) of mental modifications (chitta vritta) so that the seer
(drashta) is established in its own self.
The ultimate aim of the yoga is to create a balance between the body and the mind thereby realizing
our identity with the Real/Universal self to make us know and tune into our intrinsic nature.
Why Yoga?
General belief system about yoga is that yoga is for the older age. But one need to understand Yoga
in its wider perspective. Yoga has been a Darshana in the philosophical realms. And Darshana means
a philosophy which has an experiential aspect. If the principles of philosophy are experiential, then
principles remain same though the time period keeps on changing. The principles of yoga are time
immemorial, and they will remain time immemorial because they are based on human personalities
and the fundamental nature of the human personalities will remain the same, since thousands of
years ago. Only the context keeps on changing. For instance, in earlier time the individuals used to
have fight or flight mode for their survival instinct. In modern times, we still have a fight or flight
mode for the survival. Its just the situation or the context have changed. Yoga provides tools at ones
psychological, physiological, emotional and at spiritual level to ensure one is in synthesis, in
harmony and in peace and health in all dimensions. So, whether it is ancient time or modern time,
a person in harmony definitely will yield better results in area of his work, will be a better member
of a family and will do things in a better way because of the integrated personality one has achieved.
Yoga also seems to be more relevant in modern times as we have moved from physical intensive jobs
to mind intensive jobs and an environment which has taken toll on the overall health. Modern
lifestyle has lost the harmony in mind-body relationship which has caused several stress-based
diseases. There arises a need to have a lifestyle and better strategies which answers the current
crisis. The scientific research into yoga has undoubtedly shows that yoga is incredibly beneficial to
our overall being. Yoga comprises of physical, mental, and spiritual practices and promotes self-
healing. Yoga is not just a practice, it is a lifestyle, which is truly the need of the modern time.
Yoga in practice
Simply put, the benefits of yoga are manifold- physical, psychological, social and spiritual which
enables us to weave a more structured pattern of living. A thirty-minute Yoga session is both
enriching and fulfilling. The health benefits are plentiful. We have often heard about the benefits of
yoga in the physical domain- like it improves posture of joints, helps in the functioning of respiratory,
digestive organs, maintains flexibility of body, enhances oxygen supply and so on. Moreover, yoga
also plays a pivotal role in psychological well-being of a person. Yoga through Pranayama practices
helps in calming the mind, create a regular breathing pattern and thereby helps in reliving the stress
related diseases. Several yoga asanas can help to contain cholesterol levels, induce good posture,
and elevate the body’s immunity. Even during the Covid-19 pandemic, when there were limited
options of physical and social activity, yoga functioned as a channel to increase our personal power.
Yoga, however, is not just meant to be asanas in isolation. Asanas are simply, one of the eight limbs
of yoga. They are a necessary part of the preparatory process to enable the body to enter a meditative
state and sustain higher levels of energy. Yoga helps you realize that you are one with the universe
around you and that your existence is not separate from the world around you. Once you attain this
state of self-awareness, you will be liberated from the sufferings of the world, and achieve a control
over your body, mind, spirit, and even, your destiny. This path to self-realization and actualization
is the true aim of yoga. This profound spiritual meaning of yoga is now being recognized globally as
the United Nations has named June 21st as International Yoga Day – a day to assign this ancient
practice its rightful place as a way of life that stimulate peace, harmony and universal integration.
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